Tuesday, July 17, 2018

European Green Circuit - North-West of Germany – Netherlands – Brussels – Luxembourg

This is in continuation with my previous blog about the various European circuits. This is the detailed view on the Green circuit where history and culture are mixed well with the modern method of living and natural beauty. Enjoy the Green Europe!!

Just to brief you again:
Green Circuit:
The Happening & Nature Loving Trip.

City Travels: Frankfurt – Bonn – Cologne –Amsterdam– Antwerp - Bruges – Luxembourg – Brussels

No. Of Days: 8 days, 7 Nights.

Highlight: Frankfurt and Brussels have major international and cheaper airlines. This is a combination of seaside, city, nature, mountains, culture, architecture, romantic scenery and happening environment.

Food: Carry water. For Vegans, one can survive on French fries in Belgium else carry your own bread. MacDonalds and Starbucks are available in all the cities so cheap and easy way to surviveJ.

North-West Germany:

Cologne, Bonn & Frankfurt are one of the big cities of Germany. They are not only business hub but also leads the educational sector. They have amalgamation of the old and new architectures as well as cultures. Enjoy this cities across River Rhine which is one of the biggest river of Germany.

Suggestion:: Travel to Frankfurt Main Hbf (Main Railway station) visit travel desk and get the information about the city and travel options. It would be same for Bonn and Cologne. Download the travel maps from google to enjoy your walk at nearby places. Bonn would be one day trip to see overview and so is Cologne if you plan properly. 1 day and 1 night and Cologne. 1 day at Frankfurt. ½ day or skip Bonn if you want.






I don’t know any bachelor in the world who does not know Amsterdam. Being Indian, I call it Goa of Europe. Beautiful Canals, happening streets and of course Windmills & cycles are the highlights of Netherlands. Zaandam which is an hour away from the Amsterdam is famous for cheese market, flower market and windmills. You can see the old traditional markets and methods of business in Zaandam. Amsterdam has wonderful streets, canal cruise, art gallery, breweries and museum. Night life is must to enjoy in Amsterdam.

Suggestion:: Travel to Amsterdam Hbf (Main Railway station) visit travel desk and get the information about the city and travel options. 2 days and 1 day at Netherland to enjoy Amsterdam and Zaandam.



Belgium - Luxembourg:

Brussel is the business hub for Europe which has the most integrated and diverse population. It is a country blessed with modern architecture and ancient monuments. Preserved with old cultural habits and textile, art and jewelry craftsmanship. Bruges is a town which is around 1hr by train from Brussels. It is also known as the mini Venice of Europe. Romantic canals lead to a wonderful sweet town. Once can shop traditional handmade soaps, paintings, art work, embroideries etc. enjoying the wonderful food around the streets. If you have a little more than 4 hours, do visit Zeebrugge which is an amazing sea cost of Belgium. Antwerp is the Diamond hub of the world. Major diamond selling is done @ Antwerp. If you are jewelry fan, do not miss visiting Antwerp.
Luxembourg on other hand is a small country and would interest the trek loving people. There are several cycling and walking treks arranged in Luxembourg of which one can get knowledge on internet.

Suggestion:: Travel to Brussel Central Hbf (Main Railway station) visit travel desk and get the information about the city and travel options. Bruges and Antwerp are small towns which you can completely see whilst walking. I would suggest a day trip to Antwerp. 1 Night and 1 Day at Bruggee and 1 Night and 1 day and Brussels J that would be enough. You can skip Luxembourg if you are not much of Trek freak or else skip Antwerp, all your choice.





Sunday, July 1, 2018

European Discoveries

European Discoveries 

I have been always travelling for the Work to Europe mostly and came to know that Europe has each and every corner filled with some gifts. No doubt why it is called a traveler’s paradise.

Europe actually is derived from Greek language. It means the Dark place in West where the Sun sets. The history, nature and cultural integrity is amazing. Europe is indeed a place where an artist can discover his best as you can connect to yourself quickly. I do not have much words to describe Europe, but believe me it is a must visit for nature and life loving people.

Most of my trips where to Germany as the Launch Pad of my travelling destinations. Germany being in the center, it has a great connectivity across the land. It will be the best place to start your several circuits in Europe. I would suggest to take European trips in bits and pieces J .
Taking this platform to share my journey in Europe. Mind it!! There are major undiscovered places.

Different circuits can be considered while travelling Europe, The Continent with Countries of the size of states with different and amazing exclusive landscapes.

The best part of Europe is:: Follow the sign boards and you will have all knowledge about the places you want to visit. Each and every main Railway station has got a Travelers desk, which would help you with city maps and site details. Few frequent liked places would also provide you with discounted deal coupons to see the sites and meals in your budget. City tours are very common in the countries that too with hop-on-off i.e. ride different places of the city with same pass and enjoy the destination of your liking and then move to another favorite destination. J Cool!! Let’s have an overview. The coming blogs would have more details on the circuits and cost effective travel plans.

Most important Notes while you are in Europe:
** Carry your eyes as Camera and Mind as Photo rolls as you will cherish each and every spot with different experiences.
** Use Public transports as it is very well connected to almost all the interesting places.
** Group travel and stay are usually cheaper.
** Carry your passports.
** Make a mix of happening and natural places on each trip.
** Carry the travel maps from the Station of the main cities to see the most wonderful things around the city.

Circuits I would prefer:

I have divided my journeys in different circuits. Below is the map which can be considered.

**The circuits are designed such that you would have mix of fun-heritage-nature-culture. Traveling Europe in circuits would not bore you at a time seeing the same type of monuments or landscapes.If you are from Asian or American nations , it could also be a question of too much peace and order.Try to have a mix of everything, so that it would be a wholesome package and not just like the museum/sanctuary visits.

Green Circuit:

The Happening & Nature Loving Trip: North-West of Germany – Netherlands – Brussels – Luxembourg

City Travels: Frankfurt – Bonn – Cologne –Amsterdam– Antwerp - Bruges – Luxembourg – Brussels

No. Of Days: 8 days, 7 Nights.

Highlight: Frankfurt and Brussels have major international and cheaper airlines. This is a combination of seaside, city, nature, mountains, culture, architecture, romantic scenery and happening environment.

Food: Carry water. For Vegans, one can survive on French fries in Belgium else carry your own bread. MacDonalds and Starbucks are available in all the cities so cheap and easy way to surviveJ.

Pink Circuits:

Mix of Romance , UNESCO sites & Nature:
Option1: Prague-Berlin-Hamburg-Hannover
Option2:  Munich- Neuschweistein – Vienna – Salzburg – Slovenia – Croatia
Option3: Hungary – Poland - Slovakia
Option4: Romania – Greece - Bulgaria

No.Of Days:  Each option can be divided for a week trip.

Option1: You would find a mix of architecture, historical monuments and new cities which are now technological centers.
Option2: From the automotive city of Munich with peaceful and historical ride to Vienna and Salzburg and ending with the small adventures at Slovenia and Croatia.
Option3: Have a look at the mix of European and Russian culture. Several old town visits along the
Danube river would explain some of the old cultures and histories in Europe.
Option4: Beautiful people with ancient monuments and collection for world conquerors. The gateway of Europe and mythological centers for European history.

Food: Carry water. For Vegans, one can survive on Sandwiches and chocolates else carry your own bread. MacDonalds and Starbucks are available in all the cities so cheap and easy way to survive J. Don't miss some of the greek delicacies of salads and drinks :)

Blue Circuits:

Enjoy the Cultures.
Option1: Spain - Portugal
Option2:  Italy – Vatican City

No. Of Days:  Each option can be divided for a week trip.

City Travels: 
Option1: Rome - Naples - Pompeii - Sicily - Assisi - Florence - Milan - Venice
Option2: Barcelona - Madrid - Lisbon - Seville - Costa Del Sol - Granada - Toledo

Option1: The rustic weather and cultures of Spain and Portugal. Immense mix of culture, tradition, colors and natural beauty. Markets and shopping. From beaches to football grounds, you will enjoy each and every element the land has to offer.
Option2: The country in itself has wonderful locations and foodie people. Being from India I would say it is a small India of Europe, where people live with full hearts and nature is blessed. Markets and shopping. From the divine place of Christianity to joyful & romantic lands of Italy, it would be a complete packaged world for you.s

Italy:Pizzas and Wines and Soda and Pasta….You really want to know it from me, explore on your ownJ.
Spain/Portugal: Tortilla, Croquettes , Fried Milk,Paella, Salads,Spanish ratatouille, fried milk etc..

Red Circuit:

Romance -Shopping - Nature.

No. Of Days:  A week Trip. (can make it more if you want to visit the sea coast (Nice) of France)

City Travels: Paris - Strasbourg - Lugano - Zurich 

French Delicacies, perfumes, monuments, shoes and what not.. Second most colorful culture of Europe with a bit English touch. Enjoy tracking and snow clad mountains and lakes. The black forest are an attraction on its own.Visit Disney land in Paris and shop along the streets. Be yourself in the valleys of Switzerland with a dark chocolate in hand. Choices are yours. Select your day as per your mood.

From vegan to wines and champagne. From breads to chocolates and cakes via Coffees. Choices are yours.

Hope this would help you select your destinations and an overall package of holiday planning to Europe.

Bis später Amigo!! à bientôt !! Espera mi próximo blog de continuación!!
(See you soon Friend!!) (Good bye) (wait for my next blog for continuation..)